With interest rates low and as the market heats up, you may be thinking about purchasing a home. Purchasing a home will be one of the largest financial expenditures in your lifetime. And it will also be one of the most important purchases. Your home may be where you start a family, work from, and where you find comfort. It is where our days start and where they end.
That is why it is incredibly important that you protect your home and everything in it. In the event of a catastrophe, you want to make sure you are all positioned to recoup and bring your life back together.
Not only will you want to protect your asset, but your lender will also require that you purchase adequate home insurance. Just like financing or leasing a car, your lender holds a lien on your house until you’ve paid off your mortgage. To safeguard what’s technically their property, your lender will require that you purchase home insurance, pay in full for it, and name them as mortgagee on your policy.
As you go thru the insurance purchasing process, you’ll want to make sure that you speak with an independent insurance agent. An independent insurance agent is licensed to sell insurance on behalf of many different insurance companies – not just one. At The Murray Group, we work with over twenty insurance companies. And we understand the home buying process from beginning to end. That means we make the insurance buying and home buying process easier for you.
When you’re purchasing a home, you’ll have many different things to take care of. Let an independent agent take care of the insurance for you!
Here are our top three reasons to work with an independent insurance agent when you’re purchasing a home:
- We work with the lender or mortgage broker directly. When you are ready to close, your lender will ask you for proof of coverage (or a binder) and a “paid in full receipt”. At this point in the process, we take over and work directly with your lender to ensure they get the proper documentation quickly and error-free. That means less work for you to do and your closing process continues to move forward at a quick pace.
- You will understand the insurance you are purchasing. Most people have no idea what the coverages on their insurance policies mean, especially when purchasing home insurance for the first time. When you work with an independent agent like The Murray Group, we take our time explaining your coverages to you. We want to make sure you understand your policy and have confidence in the job we are doing for you. We also make sure we aren’t missing any exposures, like jewelry or other valuable items.
- You’ll know you’re getting excellent coverage at the most competitive price possible. Because independent insurance agents have access to many different insurers, they are able to obtain many options for your insurance. We always recommend the insurance company that provides the best coverage at the most competitive price.
Many of the local banks and mortgage brokers refer their customers to us because they know we do a top notch job. The lenders get their binders quickly, and the customer gets excellent service from The Murray Group. Whether you’re purchasing a home or looking for better insurance, we’d love to speak with you. You can click here or call us at 518-777-7777.
The Murray Group is committed to bringing security to our partners lives. We provide you with valuable tips and advice that you can apply in your daily life. Visit our blog for tons of information on all kinds of insurance.
If you would like to receive a proposal for homeowners insurance, auto insurance, or business insurance, please contact us:
Contact Murray Group Insurance Advisor
Also, you can connect with The Murray Group further on The Murray Group Facebook Page.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposely only. There is no legal advice being suggested. The author assumes no responsibility or liability for the actions taken or not taken by the readers based upon such information.
Photo credit to: Photo by Matt Jones on Unsplash