Are your auto insurance premiums getting higher each year? It is time to make sure you are getting as many discounts on auto premiums that you qualify for. Don’t overlook these discounts that most insurers give:
- Good student – Does your son or daughter have B or better grades? Insurance companies will give credits if you’re able to provide proof of that.
- Defensive driver course – Did you take a defensive driver course but not submit your completion certificate? Insurance companies do not know to automatically add the credit unless you provide proof.
- Home and auto bundle – We talk about this one all of the time. If you can, make sure your home and auto insurance are with the same company. Discounts can be generous.
- Safety features – Many agents do not apply every discount available for safety features. Make sure your agent knows about your anti-theft device, anti-lock brakes, air bags, and day-time running lights.
- Low mileage – Some insurance companies will offer a savings if you don’t drive your vehicle frequently. Progressive is one such company.
Make sure you’re getting discounts on auto insurance that you qualify for.
Your driving record and coverage also affect discounts on auto premiums.
Did you know that many companies actually give a credit if you don’t frequently change your insurer? It’s a loyalty discount. So if you had auto insurance through the same company for five years and then switch insurance, the new insurer may give you a discount.
Having a clean driving record will also significantly impact your auto pricing. Drive safely, don’t be distracted while driving and avoid speeding. Specifically, companies prefer drivers who have zero at fault accidents and no tickets within three years.
The Murray Group is committed to bringing security to our partners lives. We therefore provide you with valuable tips and advice that you can apply in your daily life. Visit our blog for tons of information on all kinds of insurance.
If you would like to receive a proposal for homeowners insurance, auto insurance, or business insurance, please contact us:
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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposely only. There is no legal advice being suggested. The author assumes no responsibility or liability for the actions taken or not taken by the readers based upon such information.
Photo credit: Photo by Fabian Blank on Unsplash