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Why I Think You Should Carry More NY Insurance

By June 28, 2018

Food for thought the next time you review your NY insurance policies.

more ny insuranceI Think…

I think you should carry more NY insurance coverage than you currently do because I care about you, your family and your business and we know more about New York insurance than you do.

I think you should carry more insurance coverage than currently do because I understand the ramifications of being under-insured or god forbid not insured at all.

I think you should carry more insurance coverage than your used to because I’ve seen the look on a person’s face when they learn difference between Replacement Cost and Actual Cash Value the hard way.

You Think…

You think all that matter’s with New York insurance is price because that is what the clever commercials on the television tell you.

You think all that matter’s with NY insurance is price because you view insurance as an expense and not a necessary protection to maintain your way of life.

You think all that matter’s with Insurance is price because insurance is a commodity that is easily purchased on the Internet.

The Rub

Its possible you found this post slightly offensive…

Definitely its a little harsh…

But most certainly eye-opening to the mindset of the independent insurance agent versus the insurance consumer.

The Murray Group Insurance Services is here to protect you, your family, your business and whatever else is important to you.  Understand that ny insurance has a cost, but considering the financial reimbursement that New York insurance offers has to offer, that cost is almost always very reasonable considering the coverage provided.

Skimp on Lattes and trips to the Casino, not your insurance coverage.

Thank you,

Ryan Hanley

P.S. If you’d like to work with an independent insurance agent that cares call us at (518) 456-6688 or Click Here to email us.

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